Sunday, October 12, 2014

Girls Giving Group- October 9, 2014

Hostess: Keri Jones-Fonesbech

                       YAGUE in SENEGAL 

Last September we learned of an opportunity to help a young nursing student in Senegal (Yague) through nursing school, through our friend Abbie.

Tonight, we shared a video message from Yague and Abbie. 
<insert video here>


We also discussed an opportunity to help a young woman in Haiti who is house guest staff for Healing Hands for Haiti rehab clinic. Myrlene is 27 years old and is looking forward to finishing school so she can work in medical laboratories. For more information on Healing Hands for Haiti, please visit :


Our KIVA account received a repayment of funds and we recommitted the funds to a woman in the Philippines with a fishing business and a woman in Albania needing a dairy cow. 

Tonight's attendees: