Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Girls Giving Group - March 31st, 2011

Hostess:  Krista Burrow

We added several new members to our group for our second official meeting!  We began by reviewing the history of how are group started and it's purpose.  Our giving opportunity for this quarter went to a woman named Syltane, a nursing student from Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  We reviewed the history of Haiti and some of the current challenges that the entire country is facing as well as the burden on women to become educated.  A bio of Syltane was presented and the group as a whole decided that it would be a worthy cause to present our donation to Syltane to assist her in her tuition payment for the upcoming semester.  A little about Syltane....she is 32 year old single woman and in her first year of nursing school. She currently works at the Healing Hands for Haiti Rehabilitation Clinic washing dishes in the guest house.  She has been struggling to pay her tuition and buy the school supplies that she needs.  Many of the group members wanted to know more about Syltane such as her family background, how she decided on nursing for a profession and what she plans to do after graduating. We will post more information when we hear back from her. 

Syltane in her nursing uniform

Our message to Syltane